Saturday, February 15
Meet some of your favorite characters from a galaxy far, far away (thanks to our friends at Garrison Carida, 501st Legion) and enjoy some out-of-this-world activities.
Visitors are encouraged to come dressed* in their Star Wars best!
Activities include:
- Character appearances from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
- Use the Force live science shows at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., & 3 p.m.
- Meet & Greet with Finn the striped skunk at 12 p.m. & 2:30 p.m.
- Build your own paper circuit light saber (while supplies last)
- Create a mini rocket and test its flying abilities
- Take a look at the Sun up-close with solar telescopes (weather permitting)
- Learn more about our otters during a special Star Wars themed otter chat at 2 p.m.
Included with general admission or membership.
Thank you to our friends at the Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomical Society for generously donating their time for this event!
Toy Donation for Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital: Visitors are encouraged to donate a toy to help bring comfort to families during their hospital stay. The Science Center will collect new, unwrapped toys for distribution within the Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital.
Note: LVRCH cannot accept the following items:
- Any items with political or religious themes
- Violent themed items (i.e. items containing guns, swords, blood, violence, etc.)
- Toys with detachable parts which can be removed and swallowed
- Clothing (other than new pajamas) and hospital gowns
- Homemade foods
- Donations left at hospital sites without making a drop-off appointment. All such donations will be disposed of for health and safety reasons.
*Please note: no weapons of any kind (real or fake) are permitted.