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Home > STEAM Student Scholarship Award Winner: Rayna Malhotra

STEAM Student Scholarship Award Winner: Rayna Malhotra

Rayna Malhotra, 12th Grade 
Moravian Academy

Rayna Malhotra is president of Synapse Global Science Connections, an international non-profit that encourages scientific discovery through hands-on engagement in underresourced elementary schools across the globe. She hosts the award-winning NPR radio program ‘Teen Scientist,’ where she brings young listeners stories of groundbreaking innovation in STEM disciplines, entirely from a youth perspective. She has conducted three years of bioengineering research at Lehigh University on epigenetic therapeutics for vascular tissue regeneration. Rayna leads her Varsity Speech and Debate team, local PERIOD. chapter, and regional branch of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. After she graduates from Moravian Academy, she intends to major in Biomedical Engineering as she matriculates to college. 

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